Publications on Search-Based Test Generation

Do Automatic Test Generation Tools Generate Flaky Tests?
M Gruber, MF Roslan, O Parry, F Scharnböck, P McMinn and G Fraser
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2024
An Empirical Comparison of EvoSuite and DSpot for Improving Developer-Written Test Suites With Respect to Mutation Score
MF Roslan, JM Rojas and P McMinn
International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), 2022
An Investigation Into the Effect of Control and Data Dependence Chain Length on Predicate Testability
DW Binkley, J Glenn, A Alsharif and P McMinn
International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis & Manipulation (SCAM), 2020
Random or Evolutionary Search for Object-Oriented Test Suite Generation?
S Shamshiri, JM Rojas, L Gazzola, G Fraser, P McMinn, L Mariani and A Arcuri
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2018
Evaluation of CAVM, Austin, and CodeScroll for Test Data Generation for C
B You, J Kim, M Kwon, P McMinn and S Yoo
Korea Conference on Software Engineering (KCSE), 2018
Evaluating CAVM: A New Search-Based Test Data Generation Tool for C
J Kim, B You, M Kwon, P McMinn and S Yoo
International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), 2017
SchemaAnalyst: Search-Based Test Data Generation for Relational Database Schemas
P McMinn, CJ Wright, C Kinneer, CJ McCurdy, M Camara and GM Kapfhammer
International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2016
AVMf: An Open-Source Framework and Implementation of the Alternating Variable Method
P McMinn and GM Kapfhammer
International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), 2016
Does Automated Unit Test Generation Really Help Software Testers? A Controlled Empirical Study
G Fraser, M Staats, P McMinn, A Arcuri and F Padberg
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2015
A Memetic Algorithm for Whole Test Suite Generation
G Fraser, A Arcuri and P McMinn
Journal of Systems and Software, 2015
Design and Analysis of Different Alternating Variable Searches for Search-Based Software Testing
J Kempka, P McMinn and D Sudholt
Theoretical Computer Science, 2015
Automatically Evaluating the Efficiency of Search-Based Test Data Generation for Relational Database Schemas
C Kinneer, GM Kapfhammer, CJ Wright and P McMinn
International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), 2015
The Effectiveness of Test Coverage Criteria for Relational Database Schema Integrity Constraints
P McMinn, CJ Wright and GM Kapfhammer
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2015
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Different Coverage Criteria for Testing Relational Database Schema Integrity Constraints
P McMinn, CJ Wright and GM Kapfhammer
Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, 2015
Do Automatically Generated Unit Tests Find Real Faults? An Empirical Study of Effectiveness and Challenges
S Shamshiri, R Just, JM Rojas, G Fraser, P McMinn and A Arcuri
International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2015
Random or Genetic Algorithm Search for Object-Oriented Test Suite Generation?
S Shamshiri, JM Rojas, G Fraser and P McMinn
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2015
Evolving Readable String Test Inputs Using a Natural Language Model to Reduce Human Oracle Cost
S Afshan, P McMinn and M Stevenson
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2013
An Orchestrated Survey on Automated Software Test Case Generation
S Anand, E Burke, TY Chen, J Clark, MB Cohen, W Grieskamp, M Harman, MJ Harrold and P McMinn
Journal of Systems and Software, 2013
Does Automated White-Box Test Generation Really Help Software Testers?
G Fraser, M Staats, P McMinn, A Arcuri and F Padberg
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2013
Test Suite Generation With Memetic Algorithms
G Fraser, A Arcuri and P McMinn
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2013
Search-Based Testing of Relational Schema Integrity Constraints Across Multiple Database Management Systems
GM Kapfhammer, P McMinn and CJ Wright
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2013
A Theoretical Runtime and Empirical Analysis of Different Alternating Variable Searches for Search-Based Testing
J Kempka, P McMinn and D Sudholt
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2013
An Identification of Program Factors That Impact Crossover Performance in Evolutionary Test Input Generation for the Branch Coverage of C Programs
P McMinn
Information and Software Technology, 2013
Search-Based Propagation of Regression Faults in Automated Regression Testing
S Shamshiri, G Fraser, P McMinn and A Orso
International Workshop on Regression Testing (Regression), 2013
Input Domain Reduction Through Irrelevant Variable Removal and Its Effect on Local, Global and Hybrid Search-Based Structural Test Data Generation
P McMinn, M Harman, Y Hassoun, K Lakhotia and J Wegener
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2012
Search-Based Test Input Generation for String Data Types Using the Results of Web Queries
P McMinn, M Shahbaz and M Stevenson
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2012
Symbolic Search-Based Testing
A Baars, M Harman, Y Hassoun, K Lakhotia, P McMinn, P Tonella and T Vos
International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2011
Search-Based Software Engineering: Techniques, Taxonomy, Tutorial
M Harman, P McMinn, JT de Souza and S Yoo
In Empirical Software Engineering and Verification, 2011
Search-Based Software Testing: Past, Present and Future
P McMinn
International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST), 2011
A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Search Based Testing: Local, Global and Hybrid Search
M Harman and P McMinn
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2010
Optimizing for the Number of Tests Generated in Search Based Test Data Generation With an Application to the Oracle Cost Problem
M Harman, SG Kim, K Lakhotia, P McMinn and S Yoo
International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST), 2010
An Empirical Investigation Into Branch Coverage for C Programs Using CUTE and AUSTIN
K Lakhotia, P McMinn and M Harman
Journal of Systems and Software, 2010
How Does Program Structure Impact the Effectiveness of the Crossover Operator in Evolutionary Testing?
P McMinn
International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE), 2010
Reducing Qualitative Human Oracle Costs Associated With Automatically Generated Test Data
P McMinn, M Stevenson and M Harman
International Workshop on Software Test Output Validation (STOV), 2010
Automated Test Data Generation for Coverage: Haven't We Solved This Problem Yet?
K Lakhotia, P McMinn and M Harman
Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference — Practice And Research Techniques (TAIC PART), 2009
Empirical Evaluation of a Nesting Testability Transformation for Evolutionary Testing
P McMinn, DW Binkley and M Harman
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 2009
Search-Based Failure Discovery Using Testability Transformations to Generate Pseudo-Oracles
P McMinn
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2009
Handling Dynamic Data Structures in Search-Based Testing
K Lakhotia, M Harman and P McMinn
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2008
The Impact of Input Domain Reduction on Search-Based Test Data Generation
M Harman, Y Hassoun, K Lakhotia, P McMinn and J Wegener
Joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2007
A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Evolutionary Testing and Hill Climbing for Structural Test Data Generation
M Harman and P McMinn
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2007
A Multi-Objective Approach to Search-Based Test Data Generation
M Harman, K Lakhotia and P McMinn
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2007
IGUANA: Input Generation Using Automated Novel Algorithms. A Plug and Play Research Tool
P McMinn
Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, 2007
Evolutionary Testing Using an Extended Chaining Approach
P McMinn and M Holcombe
Evolutionary Computation, 2006
The Species Per Path Approach to Search-Based Software Test Data Generation
P McMinn, M Harman, DW Binkley and P Tonella
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2006
Testability Transformation for Efficient Automated Test Data Search in the Presence of Nesting
P McMinn, DW Binkley and M Harman
UK Software Testing Workshop (UKTest), 2005
Evolutionary Testing of State-Based Programs
P McMinn and M Holcombe
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2005
Evolutionary Search for Test Data in the Presence of State Behaviour
P McMinn
PhD Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2005
Search-Based Software Test Data Generation: A Survey
P McMinn
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2004
Hybridizing Evolutionary Testing With the Chaining Approach
P McMinn and M Holcombe
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2004
The State Problem for Evolutionary Testing
P McMinn and M Holcombe
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), 2003