Publications on Mutation Analysis

PseudoSweep: A Pseudo-Tested Code Identifier
M Maton, GM Kapfhammer and P McMinn
International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2024
  author    = "Maton, Megan and Kapfhammer, Gregory M. and McMinn, Phil",
  title     = "{PseudoSweep}: A Pseudo-Tested Code Identifier",
  booktitle = "International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)",
  year      = "2024"

Exploring Pseudo-Testedness: Empirically Evaluating Extreme Mutation Testing at the Statement Level
M Maton, GM Kapfhammer and P McMinn
International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2024
  author    = "Maton, Megan and Kapfhammer, Gregory M. and McMinn, Phil",
  title     = "Exploring Pseudo-Testedness: Empirically Evaluating Extreme Mutation Testing at the
               Statement Level",
  booktitle = "International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)",
  year      = "2024"

Batching Non-Conflicting Mutations for Efficient, Safe, Parallel Mutation Analysis in Rust
Z LĂ©vai and P McMinn
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2023
  author    = "L{\'e}vai, Zal{\'a}n and McMinn, Phil",
  title     = "Batching Non-Conflicting Mutations for Efficient, Safe, Parallel Mutation Analysis
               in Rust",
  booktitle = "International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)",
  year      = "2023"

An Empirical Study to Determine if Mutants Can Effectively Simulate Students' Programming Mistakes to Increase Tutors' Confidence in Autograding
BS Clegg, P McMinn and G Fraser
ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 2021
  author    = "Clegg, Benjamin S. and McMinn, Phil and Fraser, Gordon",
  title     = "An Empirical Study to Determine if Mutants Can Effectively Simulate Students'
               Programming Mistakes to Increase Tutors' Confidence in Autograding",
  booktitle = "ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE)",
  year      = "2021",
  pages     = "1055--1061"

Automatic Detection and Removal of Ineffective Mutants for the Mutation Analysis of Relational Database Schemas
P McMinn, CJ Wright, CJ McCurdy and GM Kapfhammer
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019
  author  = "McMinn, Phil and Wright, Chris J. and McCurdy, Colton J. and Kapfhammer, Gregory M.",
  title   = "Automatic Detection and Removal of Ineffective Mutants for the Mutation Analysis of
             Relational Database Schemas",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering",
  year    = "2019",
  pages   = "427--463",
  number  = "5",
  volume  = "45"

mrstudyr: Retrospectively Studying the Effectiveness of Mutant Reduction Techniques
CJ McCurdy, P McMinn and GM Kapfhammer
International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2016
  author    = "McCurdy, Colton J. and McMinn, Phil and Kapfhammer, Gregory M.",
  title     = "{mrstudyr}: Retrospectively Studying the Effectiveness of Mutant Reduction
  booktitle = "International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)",
  year      = "2016",
  pages     = "591--595"

Virtual Mutation Analysis of Relational Database Schemas
P McMinn, GM Kapfhammer and CJ Wright
International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST), 2016
  author    = "McMinn, Phil and Kapfhammer, Gregory M. and Wright, Chris J.",
  title     = "Virtual Mutation Analysis of Relational Database Schemas",
  booktitle = "International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST)",
  year      = "2016",
  pages     = "36--42"

The Impact of Equivalent, Redundant and Quasi Mutants on Database Schema Mutation Analysis
CJ Wright, GM Kapfhammer and P McMinn
International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC), 2014
  author    = "Wright, Chris J. and Kapfhammer, Gregory M. and McMinn, Phil",
  title     = "The Impact of Equivalent, Redundant and Quasi Mutants on Database Schema Mutation
  booktitle = "International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC)",
  year      = "2014",
  pages     = "57--66"

Efficient Mutation Analysis of Relational Database Structure Using Mutant Schemata and Parallelisation
CJ Wright, GM Kapfhammer and P McMinn
International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation), 2013
  author    = "Wright, Chris J. and Kapfhammer, Gregory M. and McMinn, Phil",
  title     = "Efficient Mutation Analysis of Relational Database Structure Using Mutant Schemata
               and Parallelisation",
  booktitle = "International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation)",
  year      = "2013",
  pages     = "63--72"

Mutation Operators for Agent-Based Models
S Adra and P McMinn
International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation), 2010
  author    = "Adra, Salem and McMinn, Phil",
  title     = "Mutation Operators for Agent-Based Models",
  booktitle = "International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation)",
  year      = "2010",
  pages     = "151--156"